17 July 2010

Ketika Oktaniza Nafila sedang terlalu sensitif

pas gw buka-buka folder di laptop *kali aja ada yang bisa diapus* gw menemukan puisi ini. kalau dibaca-baca lucu juga. hehehe.


untitled, it's just the name of my feeling now
I just can't named it because
I don't know what I'm feeling now
It's just make me so confused
and drive me crazy

untitled is you
I just don't know anything about you
I just know that my heart is full with you
but your heart doesn't seem too
your heart is full with someone else, not me

untitled, is a story when I'm with you
when I felt comfortable talking a lot about everything
When I felt warm walking beside you
When I had a butterfly in my stomach because of your smile
It's so real for me but not for you

untitled, is a poet that I wrote when I am in a mess
because of you
because my feeling doesn't seem to have a feedback
because I know you're looking for someone now
someone that I know better than you
and I just can sit down in silent watching you run into her

untitled is now
I love you but you don't love me back

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